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He makes sure you have the info you need

Steve understands the pressure of today's real estate transactions. He schedules ASAP and gets your report to you quickly after the inspection.

Taking the time to answer your questions is part of Steve's service. You are welcome to accompany him throughout the inspection, show up at the end to go over the findings, or talk to him afterward by phone or email. 

Most of Steve's business is built on referrals from experienced area realtors and pleased former customers.

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He knows local conditions

Steve has spent more than 25 years inspecting homes on the Front Range. 

  • He understands the unique building practices needed for the swelling soils and mountain properties of the Front Range.

  • He keeps up on current building codes, but understands most homes were built to older standards.

  • He is aware of the possible safety issues past remodeling creates for future owners.


He offers ASHI excellence

ASHI inspectors provide top-of-the-line inspections.

Steve is a certified inspector with the American Society of Home Inspectors (ASHI), the oldest and most respected professional association of home inspectors. He has been an ASHI member for over 20 years, and keeps up-to-date through regular classes and courses.

Baker Property Inspections conducts inspections according to ASHI's rigorous Standard of Practice and conforms to ASHI's Code of Ethics. We are completely independent and conduct inspections with only your interests in mind.

Put our experience to work for you today by calling 720-300-0870.